Rare Symptoms of Cancer:

  • Inescapable Itching
  • Unnecessary weight loss
  • Continuous coughing or hoarseness
  • Recurrent fractures in bones

Why Should You Choose Pathyasathi?

  • Pathyasathi gives you ayurvedic health expert advice according to your specific health needs, thus tailoring it to your requirements.
  • The practice combines the best of conventional and modern ayurvedic therapies for overall well-being rather than mere symptomatic relief.
  • All health advisors are highly qualified and experienced in Ayurveda; thus, one can trust their suggestions and recommendations.
  • Joining this friendly community who share similar experiences and are motivated
  • Flexibility for virtual consultations means the caregiver will be home with the treatment.
  • Ongoing support is an added importance, with continuous follow-ups, so that real-time change can be made to treatment plans as undertaken.

Our Doctors

Dr. Satheesh Kumar N
Deputy Chief Physician

Dr. C. D. Sahadevan

Dr. Niranjan S

Dr. B. K. Sathyabal


Ayurvedic medicines or herbs for gastritis are herbal remedies such as licorice, ginger, and aloe vera, as well as dietary changes aiming to consume easily digestible foods.

Ayurveda rejuvenates doshas (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) imbalance and treats gastritis by diet, herbal medicine, and lifestyle modification.

Yes, it advises a diet of less hot, greasy, and sour foods and prefers light nutrients like soups, rice, and boiled vegetables since they heal the stomach.