
Here are 350 types of Ayurvedic Therapies that are offered at Pathyasathi Ayurveda, Santiniketan. These therapies are being prescribed by our experienced Vaidyas to patients based on specific conditions of the patient.


A whole body herbal oil massage involving head, face and body followed by a soothing steam bath. Relieves fatigue, removes toxins, enhances sleep, strength, complexion and luster.

Podikkizhi / Elakkizhi

A whole body bundle massage using herbal powders/leaves which are heated in herbal oil and then rhythmically massaged over the body. Highly effective in rheumatism, swellings and musculoskeletal problems.


A highly effective rejuvenation massage using cooked navara rice packed in bundle being dipped into medicated milk and then skillfully massaged over the body. It slows down the ageing process, nourishes muscle and increases immunity.


Lukewarm medicated oil is poured continuously as an even stream over the forehead. A holistic and vedic approach to de-stress and relax the mind, body and soul.


Warm medicated oil is squeezed over the patient's body from a piece of cloth that is periodically dipped in oil. Enhances muscular tone and retunes the entire nervous system.

Mukha Souvarnyam

A herbal facial with cleansing, toning, pampering and massaging using herbal powders, scrubbers, wrappers. oils and creams that let you positively glow with radiant energy and beauty.


Nasal medication using herbal oil to pacify diseases related to head, eye, ear, nose and neck. One among the Panchakarma treatments.

Gambheera Abhyanga

A well designated massage using knuckles. forearms and elbows to relax the deep seated muscle fibres. Highly rewarded in cramps and Fibromyalgia. Removes fats and toxins, improves circulation, increases cell life and brings shape to muscles.


Gentle massage of scalp, neck and shoulder. Relieves fatigue and stress letting you forget the cares of the world.


A natural facelift through massage. Improves skin tone, removes wrinkles, imparts luster and beauty.

Siroabhyanga & Mukhaabhyanga

Siroabhyanga & Mukhaabhyanga offered together.


Half Body Massage.


A subtle and gentle whole body relaxation massage involving thaichi, effleurage, petrisage, thumb kneading, scissoring and knuckling movements leading to complete relaxation of the entire body and mind. Best preferred in stress and travel after effects.

Tapta Pashana Abhyanga

Chakras link the auric field with the major nerve centres via meridian pathways. Subtle energies stored in medicated stones revive sapta chakras and relieve body pains, release toxins and increase circulation. Most benefited in arthritis, insomnia, and stress.

Pada Marmaabhyanga

The reflex points in each foot representing the perfect microcosm of the body are massaged that facilitates and encourages the vital body energy to flow unimpeded rejuvenating all internal organs together with Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadis.


A specialised massage that drains the blocked lymph ducts to stimulate the nervous system, cleanses the body channels and increases immunity. Highly beneficial in Lymphoedema, loss of sensations, weakness, immune drop and stress diseases.